Defence Technology Institute Repository >
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Showing results 87 to 106 of 4428
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | 2016 | An Inverse Kinematic Method for Performance Determination of Flight | Yomchinda, Thanan |
Dec-2015 | An Investigation of the Ignition of Surface-to-Surface Missiles | Srikhao, Chirachaya; Vongsarnpigoon, Lerkiat |
2015 | IRIG S-Band Missile Telemetry | Saratayon, Peerayudh; Petchartee, Somrak |
2017 | Load Analysis and Structural Improvement of the Tracked Armored Vehicle | hreepopnartkul, Krit; Ridluan, Artit |
2017 | A Long-Range Low-Power Wireless Sensor Network Based on U-LoRa Technology for Tactical Troops Tracking Systems | San-Um, Wimol; Lekbunyasin, Pansathorn; Kodyoo, Mongkol; Wongsuwan, Wipawadee |
2016 | Marketing or Newsletter Sender Reputation System Using Association Analysis Concept | Kawbunjun, Akkarach; Thongsatapornwatana, Ubon |
2017 | Measurement of Polarimetric RCS Characteristics of Canonical Targets under GB-SAR Environment | Phruksahiran, Narathep; Khawsuk, Weerawat |
2015 | Modeling and control of a demonstrative prototype for platform multi-launcher rocket system using Lagrange's equation and CATIA simulation | Chokchairungroj, Parkpoom; Dernlugkam, Narongkorn |
2015 | Modeling and Simulation as an approach to create Awareness of Thailand Aerospace Technology Ambition | Tepkhunchorn, Kullachart; Khantong, Ranchida; Kumsap, Chamnan |
2017 | Modelling of Solidification with Shrinkage in Vertical Shell Using Particle Method with Spring- Damp Interaction | Yomchinda, Thanan |
2016 | Monte-Carlo Evaluation on Implementation of | Anukulsumpan, Nithi; Ratanaswasd, Palis; Khawsuk, Weerawat |
2017 | Moving Target Tracking with Dynamic Template Matching for UAV Gimbal | Kingkangwan, Khanchai; Pratoomma, Prakorn |
2016 | Numerical Simulation and Analysis of Numerical Simulation and Analysis of Numerical Simulation and Analysis of Numerical Simulation and Analysis of Numerical Simulation and Analysis of Numerical Simulation and Analysis of Numerical Simulation and Analysis of Numerical Simulation and Analysis of Numerical Simulation and Analysis of Numerical Simulation and Analysis of Numerical Simulation and Analysis of Numerical Simulation and Analysis of Numerical Simulation and Analysis of Numerical Simulation and Analysis of Numerical Simulation and Analysis of Numerical Simulation and Analysis of Numerical Simulation and Analysis of Numerical Simulation and Analysis of Numerical Simulation and Analysis of Numerical Simulation and Analysis of Numerical Simulation and Analysis of Numerical Simulation and Analysis of Numerical Simulation and Analysis of Numerical Simulation and Analysis of Numerical Simulation and Analysis of the the Small Bird Flapping Wing Small Bird Flapping WingSmall Bird Flapping WingSmall Bird Flapping WingSmall Bird Flapping Wing Small Bird Flapping Wing Small Bird Flapping WingSmall Bird Flapping WingSmall Bird Flapping Wing Small Bird Flapping WingSmall Bird Flapping Wing Small Bird Flapping WingSmall Bird Flapping WingSmall Bird Flapping WingSmall Bird Flapping WingSmall | Hutacharern, Niramol; Ridluan, Artit |
Jul-2017 | A Numerical Study of Low-cost Wind Velocity Estimation using Extended Kalman Filter and Tethered, Spherical Helium Balloon | Yomchinda, Thanan |
2015 | An Online Interactive Whiteboard for Military Applications: a conceptual design | Wongsai, Pakamaj; Pawgasame, Wichai |
2016 | Performance Comparison of Hybrid Methods on Facial Detection | Suksamran, Sittanon |
Dec-2016 | A Quick Approach to Correct Range Prediction of A Surface to Surface Rocket Fitted with a Nonstandard Fuze | Chusilp, Pawat; Charubhun, Weerawut |
2015 | Reliability determination of ignition system of rocket platform using reliability block diagram and FMEA analysis | Dernlugkam, Narongkorn; Chokchairungroj, Parkpoom |
2015 | Reliable Data Communication Over HF Link Using System On Chip Technology | Kraisin, Somkheart; Pawgasame, Wichai |
Showing results 87 to 106 of 4428